17th Apr 2020

Members of the family finance team wish to remind solicitors and clients alike that we are still available as counsel to conduct private FDR hearings, a practice which is now encouraged by Mostyn J and one which appeared within Sir Andrew McFarlane’s Covid 19 guidance for the family courts.

A private FDR hearing is a simple concept. The parties instruct a financial remedy specialist to act as a private FDR judge. That person may be a solicitor, barrister or a retired judge who will be experienced in financial remedy matters. The private FDR will take place at the convenience of the parties which can now be done remotely via platforms such as microsoft teams.

It is recommended that a full day be set aside to maximise the prospects of settlement and for instructions to be taken throughout the day. Solicitors and clients alike are reminded that the matter of having a private FDR can be agreed at the FDA hearing and may be a much more attractive option for resolving matters in these times, especially if it means not having to wait for a listing for many months.

For further details or to make any enquiries, please feel free to contact us on our usual contact details and we will be delighted to assist you.