18 St John Street Chambers are delighted to announce that Kane Simons has been appointed as a Deputy District Judge.
Appointments to the role are made by the Lord Chancellor on the advice of the Judicial Appointments Commission, and through open recruitment. Kane will sit as a Deputy District Judge on the Northern Circuit in addition to his practice in chambers.
Chambers Director James Parks said, “Congratulations to Kane. This is a fantastic and well-deserved achievement. I am sure that Kane’s experience, knowledge and approach will make him a pleasure to appear before.”
Members and staff at 18 St John Street warmly congratulate Kane on his appointment.
Kane Simons is a member of the Civil and Personal Injury Department at 18 St John Street Chambers. Kane practises in serious personal injury, with a speciality in accidents involving cyclists and motorcyclists. For more information, please click the links above or contact a member of the civil clerking team on 0161 278 8261 or via email civil@18sjs.com