18 St John Street Chambers, Manchester, M3 4EA.
Email Addresses
Business Email:
Crime Email:
Family Email:
Personal Injury, Clinical Negligence and Costs Email:
Marketing Email:
Fees Clerk Email:
0161 278 1800
Chambers Director
Chambers Manager
Senior Clerk: PI, Clin Neg, Costs and Employment & Business and Property
Senior Clerk: Family
Senior Clerk: Criminal
tel: 0161 278 8261
Deputy Senior Clerk: PI/Clin Neg, Costs & Business and Property
Practice Clerk: PI/Clin Neg, Costs & Business and Property
Practice Clerk: PI/Clin Neg, Costs & Business and Property
Practice Clerk: PI/Clin Neg, Costs & Business and Property
tel: 0161 278 8263
Practice Manager: Family
Practice Manager: Family
Practice Clerk: Family
Apprentice, Practice Assistant
tel: 0161 278 8262
Assistant Practice Manager: Criminal
Apprentice, Practice Assistant
tel: 0161 278 8264
Senior Fees Clerk
Fees Clerk
Family Billing Clerk
Family Billing Clerk
Criminal Billing Clerk
Fees Clerk
We appreciate there can be occasions when it is necessary to contact chambers out of office hours. Please feel free to contact chambers via the following contacts and numbers: