Contact Us

18 St John Street Chambers, Manchester, M3 4EA.

Email Addresses
Business Email:
Crime Email:
Family Email:
Personal Injury, Clinical Negligence and Costs Email:
Marketing Email:
Fees Clerk Email:

0161 278 1800

Clerking and Administration

Senior Management

James Parks

Chambers Director

James Parks

Emma Bowie

Chambers Manager

Emma Bowie

Senior Clerks

Katie Brown

Senior Clerk: PI, Clin Neg, Costs and Employment & Business and Property

Katie Brown

Camille Scott

Senior Clerk: Family

Camille Scott

James Hotchin

Senior Clerk: Criminal

James Hotchin

PI, Clinical Negligence, Costs & Business and Property Clerks

tel: 0161 278 8261

Ryan Pugh

Deputy Senior Clerk: PI/Clin Neg, Costs & Business and Property

Ryan Pugh

Daniel Parker

Practice Clerk: PI/Clin Neg, Costs & Business and Property

Daniel Parker

Jack Robinson

Practice Clerk: PI/Clin Neg, Costs & Business and Property

Jack Robinson

Matthew Smith

Practice Clerk: PI/Clin Neg, Costs & Business and Property

Matthew Smith

Family Clerks

tel: 0161 278 8263

Garrick Brown

Practice Manager: Family

Garrick Brown

Vaughn John

Practice Manager: Family

Vaughn John

Laura Duffy

Practice Clerk: Family

Laura Duffy

Madeline Heywood

Apprentice, Practice Assistant

Madeline Heywood

Criminal Clerks

tel: 0161 278 8262

Olivia Aldred

Assistant Practice Manager: Criminal

Olivia Aldred

Ben Jones

Apprentice, Practice Assistant

Ben Jones

Fees Clerks

tel: 0161 278 8264

Stuart Howard-Cofield

Senior Fees Clerk

Stuart Howard-Cofield

Karen Bretts

Fees Clerk

Karen Bretts

Kieran Trafford

Family Billing Clerk

Kieran Trafford

Brittany Smith

Family Billing Clerk

Brittany Smith

Alex Bradshaw

Criminal Billing Clerk

Alex Bradshaw

Lilly Mcloughlin

Fees Clerk

Lilly Mcloughlin

Chambers Administration

Jade Griffiths

Jade Griffiths

Emergency Contact Details

We appreciate there can be occasions when it is necessary to contact chambers out of office hours. Please feel free to contact chambers via the following contacts and numbers:

Chambers Director

James Parks

07968 289 252

B&P Senior Clerk

Katie Brown

07496 615354

Criminal Senior clerk

James Hotchin

07793 218 318

Family Senior Clerk

Camille Scott

07960 560 252

PI, Clin Neg & Costs Senior Clerk

Katie Brown

07496 615354