Anna Warters

Year of Call: 2011

  • "Anna is very much somebody who fights her client's case. She takes each case and is thoroughly committed to it. Anna is relentless and clients feel very well represented by her."

    "She is a tenacious advocate, absolutely fearless and does not back down."

    "She's extremely thorough in preparation, has excellent knowledge and is very well liked by clients."

    Chambers and Partners (2025) - Family: Children
  • 'Anna is an amazing advocate who is honest and amazing with clients who respect her. She also presents cases in a way that gets brilliant results for everyone, working well with the solicitor who instructs her so it is a real team effort to get what is best for the client.'

    The Legal 500 (2025) - Family: Children & Domestic Abuse
  • 'Anna is a truly incredible advocate; she is just amazing at what she does and has achieved some incredible outcomes on cases. She truly cares about her clients and puts everything into each case in terms of her preparation work and her advocacy.'

    The Legal 500 (2024) - Family: Children and Domestic Violence
  • 'Anna is a formidable opponent and exceptional with combative litigants in person.'
    Ranked: Tier 3

    The Legal 500 (2023)
  • “I have had the great advantage of the case for the [maternal family] being fully and exhaustively put to the witnesses…by Ms Warters…I particularly thank Ms Warters who presented the maternal grandmother’s case thoroughly extensively and exhaustively, notwithstanding the difficulties from time to time from the maternal grandmother’s changing instructions.”

    HHJ Singleton QC, April 2019
  • ‘Ms Warters tenaciously sought to uphold the arrangements that had been made for her client's protection...’ -

    Mr Justice Jackson,  D (Appeal – Failure of Case Management) [2017] EWHC 1907


LLB (Hons) – First Class
BVC City University, formerly Inns of Court School of Law
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother’s Educational Award (2005-8)
Awarded Bar Council bursary to represent the UK at the 2008 Specialisation Course in International Criminal Law and mooting competition for Young Penalists entitled Shari’a and International Criminal Law, held in Sicily
Andrew McDowell Memorial Shield (2008)
Hardwicke Scholar


The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn
Lord Denning Society
Family Law Bar Association
Child Concern
The Northern Circuit

  • "Anna is very much somebody who fights her client's case. She takes each case and is thoroughly committed to it. Anna is relentless and clients feel very well represented by her."

    "She is a tenacious advocate, absolutely fearless and does not back down."

    "She's extremely thorough in preparation, has excellent knowledge and is very well liked by clients."

    Chambers and Partners (2025) - Family: Children
  • 'Anna is an amazing advocate who is honest and amazing with clients who respect her. She also presents cases in a way that gets brilliant results for everyone, working well with the solicitor who instructs her so it is a real team effort to get what is best for the client.'

    The Legal 500 (2025) - Family: Children & Domestic Abuse
  • 'Anna is a truly incredible advocate; she is just amazing at what she does and has achieved some incredible outcomes on cases. She truly cares about her clients and puts everything into each case in terms of her preparation work and her advocacy.'

    The Legal 500 (2024) - Family: Children and Domestic Violence
  • 'Anna is a formidable opponent and exceptional with combative litigants in person.'
    Ranked: Tier 3

    The Legal 500 (2023)
  • “I have had the great advantage of the case for the [maternal family] being fully and exhaustively put to the witnesses…by Ms Warters…I particularly thank Ms Warters who presented the maternal grandmother’s case thoroughly extensively and exhaustively, notwithstanding the difficulties from time to time from the maternal grandmother’s changing instructions.”

    HHJ Singleton QC, April 2019
  • ‘Ms Warters tenaciously sought to uphold the arrangements that had been made for her client's protection...’ -

    Mr Justice Jackson,  D (Appeal – Failure of Case Management) [2017] EWHC 1907

Anna brings to her practice a wide range of experiences gleaned from undertaking complex family law cases (both in her own right and whilst being led by senior members of the Bar), along with life experience.

In particular, Anna is noted for her meticulous case preparation, her attention to solicitor and client care, and her enthusiastic and no nonsense approach to work. Anna combines such qualities with being a bold yet sensible advocate, with an ability to deliver robust advice whilst not losing sight of the need for sensitivity towards clients, especially when representing vulnerable clients or those with mental health difficulties.

Anna encompasses all aspects of family law in her practice, regularly appearing in the higher courts, including the High Court and has experience of appearing in the Court of Appeal (Family Division). Anna is also available to provide advice and to deliver training/CPD seminars to solicitors and children practitioners.

Anna has particular interest in mental health law and representing vulnerable clients, and is experienced in cases involving capacity issues, the Official Solicitor and representing clients with mental health problems and/or learning difficulties.

Anna is able to accept instructions direct from the public on cases deemed suitable for Direct Access.


View Notable Cases


LCC v F [2019] – representation of a family member accused of setting fire to their home and endangering life. Cross-examination of numerous witnesses, and involving fire investigation experts over 11 days. The case also involved a litigant-in-person parent, an international missing person investigation and complaints of family members being held at knife point (all during the final hearing).

H v S [2018] – finding of fact hearing, with extensive findings of sexual and physical abuse successfully proven.

CCC v S [2018] – permanent eye damage and suspected brain damage.

MCC v F [2018] – Romanian child neglect case, with cross-jurisdictional, immigration and cultural issues.

LCC v S [2018] – a novel case exploring and exhausting expert opinion relating to a mother living within a religious community and the level of risk presents to her children as a result of her thoughts (as opposed to actions) of engaging in sexual activities with her children.

M v S [2018] – 13 day finding of fact hearing, concerning significant domestic abuse – physical, sexual, psychological, financial – all findings successfully proved.

D (Appeal – Failure of Case Management) [2017] EWHC 1907.

R v R [2017] – finding of fact in which findings of historical sexual abuse, and controlling and coercive behaviour were proven

H v H [2017] – representation of a client during a 5-day finding of fact hearing resulting in no findings being made that the client had sexual abused his child

KCC v W [2016] – vitamin D deficiency case and NAI (bucket handled fractures), resulting in the successful rehabilitation of children to the mother

KCC v D [2016] – cross-examination of several medical experts on a NAI burns case

MCC v Z [2016] – challenge by Lithuanian authorities for the case to be heard in Lithuanian

MCC v V [2016] – court persuaded that secure accommodation was not necessary and the child was successfully placed with his sister

MCC v D [2016] and KCC v W 2016 – cases under the Family Drug and Alcohol Court pilot scheme

KCC v S [2015] – NAI (extensive bruising)

KCC v J [2015] – NAI (ribs)

KCC v V [2015] – representation of a 15 year-old mother. Finding made by the Court that the LA was ‘negligent’ towards the mother

Re M (A Child) [2014] EWCA 266 Civ – representation of a father deemed ‘extremely violent’ by the Local Authority. No findings made against the father

Re N (A Child) [2014] (unreported) – representation of a father with significant mental health problems accused of attempting to murder his baby (suffocation). Spanning 23 days at final hearing in the High Court. Led by Nkumbe Ekaney QC

A v A [2014] – 29 findings of sexual abuse (including rape by two family members), psychological and financial control culminating in an Order of no contact being made to protect the mother (my client) and child. The father’s case under Art 8 was dismissed and following the family court findings he was deported







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