Kane Simons

Year of Call: 2007

  • "Brilliant counsel who has great foresight in relation to any potential issues that may arise on a case."

    Chambers and Partners (2025) - Personal Injury
  • 'Kane is an astute, assertive and on point barrister with compassion.'

    Chambers and Partners (2024) - Personal Injury
  • 'Kane has proven very reliable, enthusiastic and insightful on a number of cases. He's very good with technical issues and great with clients and experts.'

    Chambers and Partners (2024) - Personal Injury
  • 'Kane is conscientious, skilled, clear, and measured, and his advice is always top drawer.'

    The Legal 500 (2024) - Personal Injury
  • "Kane is an experienced advocate with an eye for detail.”

    Chambers and Partners (2023) - Personal Injury
  • ‘Kane is an approachable, quick, and creative thinker. He always develops a good rapport with the client and delivers as promised. He takes a scientific and methodical approach to work and is always on hand for support and guidance. A powerhouse in the field of personal injury.'

    The Legal 500 (2023) - Personal Injury
  • "He is thorough, meticulous and personable. He has a good relationship with lay clients."

    The Legal 500 (2022)
  • ‘A personal injury junior who is on his way up.'

    The Legal 500 (2021)
  • 'Establishes a good rapport with clients. Down to earth. Explains issues and thought processes clearly.’

    The Legal 500 (2021)
  • 'Particularly experienced in accidents involving cyclists and motorcyclists.'

    Ranked: Tier 2

    The Legal 500 (2020)


University of Leeds BA (Hons)
University of Leeds LLM

Professional Memberships

Personal Injuries Bar Association
Northern Circuit


Deputy District Judge (Northern Circuit)
Barrister Member, Bar Disciplinary Tribunal (BTAS)
Member of Executive Committee, Personal Injuries Bar Association

  • "Brilliant counsel who has great foresight in relation to any potential issues that may arise on a case."

    Chambers and Partners (2025) - Personal Injury
  • 'Kane is an astute, assertive and on point barrister with compassion.'

    Chambers and Partners (2024) - Personal Injury
  • 'Kane has proven very reliable, enthusiastic and insightful on a number of cases. He's very good with technical issues and great with clients and experts.'

    Chambers and Partners (2024) - Personal Injury
  • 'Kane is conscientious, skilled, clear, and measured, and his advice is always top drawer.'

    The Legal 500 (2024) - Personal Injury
  • "Kane is an experienced advocate with an eye for detail.”

    Chambers and Partners (2023) - Personal Injury
  • ‘Kane is an approachable, quick, and creative thinker. He always develops a good rapport with the client and delivers as promised. He takes a scientific and methodical approach to work and is always on hand for support and guidance. A powerhouse in the field of personal injury.'

    The Legal 500 (2023) - Personal Injury
  • "He is thorough, meticulous and personable. He has a good relationship with lay clients."

    The Legal 500 (2022)
  • ‘A personal injury junior who is on his way up.'

    The Legal 500 (2021)
  • 'Establishes a good rapport with clients. Down to earth. Explains issues and thought processes clearly.’

    The Legal 500 (2021)
  • 'Particularly experienced in accidents involving cyclists and motorcyclists.'

    Ranked: Tier 2

    The Legal 500 (2020)

Kane Simons practises solely in the field of high-value, complex personal injury law, acting predominantly for claimants. He specialises in claims which involve life-changing and catastrophic injuries. Kane is regularly instructed, with or without leading counsel, in claims valued over £1m and his practice encompasses a wide range of serious issues such as orthopaedic injuries, traumatic brain injuries and chronic pain.

He has particular interest and experience in claims involving vulnerable road users such as cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians. He is the author of a textbook about accidents involving e-bikes and e-scooters.

Kane is ranked in the Chambers & Partners and Legal 500 directories as a leading personal injury junior and is praised as “brilliant counsel who has great foresight in relation to any potential issues that may arise on a case” (Chambers UK, 2025) and for being a “knowledgeable, skilled, and highly competent barrister with an increasing expertise in cases of the highest value and complexity.” (Legal 500, 2025)

Outside of his work as a barrister, Kane sits as a Deputy District Judge and as a disciplinary panel member of the Bar Tribunals & Adjudication Service.


Some of Kane’s recent cases include:

He represented a man in his 20s injured in a high-speed road traffic accident. The claimant suffered multiple injuries including spinal fractures and a foot injury which affected his mobility. He also suffered bowel damage. There was a very protracted recovery with a long period of time away from work. The claim settled for £1.45 million in early 2025.

He represented a motorcyclist who was forced off the road by an untraced driver who veered into his lane. Liability was in dispute against the Motor Insurers’ Bureau. The claimant developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in his leg following a fracture and his business and ability to work was compromised. The claim settled for £1.9 million.

He represented a man who was injured after being rescued from a burning car in which he was a passenger. The claimant suffered multiple injuries including significant burns to his hands and a crushing injury to his foot, affecting his mobility and dexterity. The parties wanted an early settlement. Kane advised on quantum and tactics and the matter settled for £1 million.



View Notable Cases


(2024) Represented a man in his 20s injured in a high-speed road traffic accident. The claimant suffered multiple injuries including spinal fractures and a foot injury which affected his mobility. He also suffered bowel damage. There was a very protracted recovery with a long period of time away from work. The claim settled for £1.45 million in early 2025.

(2024) Represented a motorcyclist who was forced off the road by an untraced driver who veered into his lane. Liability was in dispute against the Motor Insurers’ Bureau. The claimant developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in his leg following a fracture and his business and ability to work was compromised. Kane advised on evidence and tactics. The claim settled for £1.9 million.

(2024) Represented a man who was injured after being rescued from a burning car in which he was a passenger. The claimant suffered multiple injuries including significant burns to his hands and a crushing injury to his foot, affecting his mobility and dexterity. The parties wanted an early settlement. Kane advised on quantum and tactics and the matter settled for £1 million.

(2024): Represented a mother whose child was catastrophically injured in a road traffic collision. A Part 20 claim was brought by the driver of the van against the mother for an indemnity/contribution, alleging that the mother was negligent for inadequately supervising her child at the roadside. Kane successfully defended the claim in the High Court.

(2024): Acted for a man who sustained lower limb injuries in a road traffic accident. The claim settled at a joint settlement meeting for £425,000.

(2024): Acted for a motorcyclist who sustained a mild traumatic brain injury as a result of a road traffic accident. The claim settled for around £400,000.

(2024) Acted for a motorcyclist who suffered a subtle brain injury following a road traffic collision. The claim settled for over £200,000 at a joint settlement meeting.

(2024): Acted for a passenger in a road traffic accident who sustained a lower limb injury. The claim settled at joint settlement meeting for £240,000.

(2024 – ongoing): Acts for a child whose electric scooter was struck by a car, causing him to sustain significant facial and orthopaedic injuries and a possible traumatic brain injury. Liability and quantum remain in dispute.

(2024 – ongoing): Acts for the rider of an electric scooter who was struck by a car, causing him to sustain brain injuries. Liability and quantum remain in dispute.

(2023): Led by Stephen Killalea KC: Acted for claimants with brain injuries acquired after a road traffic collision. The case raised issues of law involving intentional torts and ex turpi causa. The claim settled at the door of court.

(2023): Led by Stephen Killalea KC. Acted for a claimant cyclist who suffered catastrophic brain injuries when he was struck by a motorist fleeing as part of a police chase.

(2023): Acted for a pedestrian who suffered orthopaedic injuries when he was hit by a car. The claim settled for £300,000 at a joint settlement meeting.

(2023): Acted for a Claimant who suffered a mild traumatic brain injury following a motorcycle accident. Kane advised on liability and quantum. The matter ultimately settled for a gross sum equivalent of around £500,000.

(2022): Led by Stephen Killalea KC: Acted for a claimant who suffered a traumatic brain injury in a cycling accident. Contributory negligence was alleged on the basis of the manner of cycling and because the bicycle was not equipped with brakes. The matter compromised at a joint settlement meeting for over £2 million.

(2022): Acted for a claimant who fell from a raised platform at work, sustaining multiple injuries. Kane advised on evidence, drafted court documents. The matter settled for a figure of around £270,000 at JSM.

(2021): Acted for a claimant who suffered multiple injuries in a road traffic accident. The claim settled for £500,000 at a joint settlement meeting.

(2021): Acted for a defendant in a claim brought for £1.7million, largely for future loss of earnings and pension loss. The claim ultimately settled for £250,000.

(2021): Acted for a claimant who sustained a fractured femur. The claim settled for approximately £310,000.

(2021): Acted for a motorcyclist with a minor traumatic brain injury. The claimant’s previous barrister had refused to act on a CFA due to liability concerns. Two months after Kane became involved, advising on both liability and quantum, the matter settled for a gross sum equivalent of more than £500,000.

(2021): Acted for a claimant in her late sixties who suffered an ankle injury and nerve damage in a road traffic accident. The matter settled for £250,000.

(2021): This was a fatal accident claim involving a man in his late 70s who was killed in a cycling accident. Kane advised the deceased’s widow, who brought a claim for pension dependency. The matter settled for £160,000.

(2020): Led by Stephen Killalea KC: Acted for a claimant in a brain injury case for a man in his mid-fifties which settled for a lump sum of £2.65 million and an annual periodical payment of £275,000 – an assumed capitalised value in excess of £6 million.

(2020): Acted for a claimant who developed complex regional pain syndrome (‘CRPS’) in her arm after sustaining a soft tissue injury in an industrial accident. Causation remained in dispute, with the defendant maintaining that the CRPS was unrelated to the index accident. The claim settled at a joint settlement meeting for a figure in excess of £525,000. The Defendant had initially offered the claimant only £55,000.

(2020): Acted for a claimant who sustained an injury at his foot after a motorcycle accident. He required extensive treatment and orthotics. His claim settled for £175,000 excluding the cost of treatment.

(2019): Acted for a defendant in an injury claim brought for nearly £300,000. Causation and quantum remained very much in dispute. Following Kane’s involvement, the claim settled at just £16,500.

View Publications


‘A Practical Guide to the Law of E-bikes and E-scooters’, Law Brief Publishing, September 2022

A PIBA Guide to Pension Loss Calculation, (Contributor) September 2020








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